For those who are interested in learning more about fire
safety and rescue, keep your schedule open for the end of March. Mid-Plains
Community College Fire Science Department is having a two-day, multi-course
fire school on March 27th and 28th.
Courses are being offered in: special rescue
(off-road/wilderness); farm-vehicle extraction; advanced auto extraction, grain
bin rescue; bus and heavy truck training; basic and advanced rope rescue;
wildland firefighting, basic pump; live fire training; patient disentanglement;
apparatus operation; and crash investigation awareness for firefighters.
12-hour courses will cost $120, eight-hour courses are $100
and four-hour courses are $80. Pre-registration is required by March 18th.
For more information contact Tim Zehnder, Area Director of
Fire Sciences (308) 345-8126 or email
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