November 26, 2012
We would like to remind everyone that if you need help with writing papers, doing research, writing citations and reference pages, or just another pair of eyes to look over your work, stop by the library and see Tina Walker, Library Director. Remember you don’t have to do everything alone.
Finals are only 3 weeks away!
Even though we all had quite a bit of fun over Thanksgiving Break, it’s time to settle back into the rest of the semester, which is only 3 weeks left before finals. Hopefully everyone had a safe and wonderful break; please remember that they library staff are here for you to help with final papers or projects.
Christmas Carol
Review over the Christmas Carol was done by MCC students, faculty, and Community Members. It was performed at the Fox Theater Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The following is from the director Sue Watts:
Christmas Carol 2012 marked our twelfth production of the show. We began in 1993, with Don Harpst as Scrooge and Phil Lyons as the Ghost of Christmas Past and have been doing it every other year (sometimes every year) since then, with Don and Phil still in those roles. This is the third production at the Fox Theater. This production was warmly received by large, responsive audiences. The actors and backstage crews worked very hard and had fun putting together this excellent production. The first Tiny Tim, Christopher Lyons, graduated from UNL, and is now serving with the Peace Corps in Mongolia. The turkey has been with the show for five productions.
Remember the basketball games that are at home:
26th at 7:00 Men
27th at 5:30 and 7:30 Men and Women
When : Always December 1
World Aids Awareness Day is today. This day is noted around the world, by fundraisers and educational programs, and events. HIV/AIDS is one of the worlds biggest medical crises. It is estimated that approximately 40 million people in the world currently have aids. One million of them are in the United States. Each year, over 40,000 new cases are reported in the U.S. On this day, there are a number of things you can do. They include:
When : Always December 7th
Pearl Harbor Day, commemorates the Japanese attack on the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack began at dawn December 7, 1941. It crippled the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and caused the U.S. to enter World War II. During the attack at Pearl Harbor, over 2,400 American serviceman and 68 civilians were killed. Five of the eight battleships at Pearl Harbor were sunk or sinking, and virtually all ships were damaged. On Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, U.S. flags are to be flown at half staff.
On December 8, 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated in a speech to Congress it was "..a day that will live in infamy". The U.S. then declared war on Japan.
Dates to Remember:
November 28: Cinema Theater movie night
December 6: Santa's workshop
December 12: put-it-where-you-want-it shirts: Putting photos on shirts, bags, and posters.
December 18: Cinema Theater movie night
December 21-January 13: winter break (dorms open on January 7th).
January 14 – first day of Spring 2013 semester
Amber Flint
MCC Webzine Staff Member